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Monday, December 17, 2012

Like Your Body - Love Yourself

Girls are more likely to experience a negative body image during adolescence due to the surge in body fatness levels and the normal associated changes in the female shape. Due to the sex hormones, girls tend to develop fat on the hips and thighs.This is one of the main reasons an otherwise sane young woman will try unsafe methods to maintain her weight such as crash diets, vomiting, laxatives, smoking---all which can cause a greater threat to their [ read more ]

You Are Unique - Let Your Style Shine

Having the latest jeans, book bag, etc. is important to a teenager. As a matter of fact, the wrong type of cell phone can seriously put a damper on your rep, right? Let's be honest; you wanna look like everyone else because teen years are all about fitting in and not standing out. For example, a group of girls at school may be wearing almost identical outfits and have [ read more ]

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Itz My Tyme Album

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